Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Entry #6

How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

I believe faith is everything. I understand that not everyone has faith in the same things; somepeople don't have faith in anything at all. Faith is defined by dictionary.com as confidence or trust in a person or thing and belief that is not based on proof. Faith can be in a friend, in yourself, in God, in a decision. Faith can be a multitude of things. How does faith relate to this chaotic world in which we live? People have changing amounts of faith. If faith was measured, what would it be like? "I have 4 cups of faith in my brother, 10 cups of faith in God, and 7 cups of faith in my friends." Is this how it would be? Faith isn't measured by something tangible, faith goes beyond. It goes beyond the surface and into the heart.

"Seeing is believing." The problem with this is that often times people don't realize that they aren't seeing and yet they still believe...take a rumor, gossip, or some news breaking broadcast on the radio. When applied to faith, I think that people are automatically drawn to what is here on Earth, what they can touch, and see right in front of them. That is the reason many people have trouble taking the first steps with God. But then, you may say, well some believe there is a God, they just aren't ready to turn everything over to him. The "faith" is not there...the trust and reliability, the understanding and contentment, the peace and knowing.

Many cultures have a faith of their own. Something they believe is true and right. When that faith is disturbed or questioned, problems arise. The Sawi's, for instance, were not ready to give up the spirits they had faith in and the methods and practices they believed were correct and okay. They were not about to surrender everything they had known for someone known as greater than their spirits, who could protect them and bring them overwhelming peace and joy. When someone like Don Richardson comes in and tries to tell them to change…it is not expected for them to jump up and change their faith in the blink of an eye. Faith, the underlying strength of every culture, takes time to change; time to grow and time to understand. As Christians, our faith is tested…we can choose to help it grow or hurt it. We can make it a priority or not. Faith is a jump...are you going to take it?

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

An extremely insightful post - your analogy to measures of faith is so important. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Mrs.Mc.