Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Entry #5 (Student Question)

How would uncivilized cultures react upon receiving technology beyond their comprehension?

If I really think about this question, it makes me really wonder...what would uncivilized cultures do? How would people who have never seen technology before react? I can picture them just standing there, staring, some with mouths gaping wide and others concentrating intently on the wonder before them. Some would be cautiously and slowly surrounding the new piece of technology. Others may believe it to be of the metaphysical or supernatural state; similar to the Sawi's unexpected encounter with Don Richardson's kerosene lamp in his house, and be frightened far away from the vicinity. To assure that the piece of technology would be intact when I returned, I would want to be certain there was someone in their presence. How would one who has never seen, heard of, or touched react? Beat it up, trash it, take it apart, or not touch it at all. Maybe they view it as a sacred item or something of great value. I know that we would probably think their reactions were funny, sad, or crazy, but we would have to remember the idea is completely new to them. Don Richardson had to remember this when he turned on his kerosene lantern. He was familiar with getting light from this kind of source at night, but the Sawi’s saw the light seeping through the cracks of Don's house, and were scared. They thought that Don, Carol and Stephen had transformed themselves into gods! Wow...but Don soon became aware that the Sawi tribe had never seen the likes of a kerosene lamp that could work when the sun went down. For as long as the Sawi knew, their source of light was fire and sun. When we experience something new to the technological world, we often want to play around on it, try out the features, and figure out how to use it. We would know that the new piece of technology was not something from the metaphysical world, and we would know not to throw it to the ground, take it apart, or leave it sitting there. I think when introducing new technology or anything for that matter, to uncivilized cultures, the introducer, needs to take great care in explaining the new product. One way to help the uncivilized become civilized is to teach and to help them learn. With the technological world developing so fast, it is necessary that cultures begin to feel comfortable around such things.

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